TRG is committed to connecting innovators with problem solvers in the U.S. government to help address the nation’s most pressing challenges. With new technologies developing at rapid speeds, these connections are critical to bolstering our national security.
Peer competition and increasing global connectivity are driving our national security community to look outside of government for the newest, most ground-breaking technologies that increase the competitive advantage of the United States. The leadership of the DoD and intelligence community are seeking to harness private sector partnership to amplify the nation’s capabilities, including in cybersecurity, telecommunications, training and installation modernization, and more.

Representative Clients

Subject Matter Experts

Advancing Cloud Services API
Google Cloud is a growing contributor within the national security space. To assist Google Cloud secure opportunities in the Department of Defense and federal public sector, TRG provides insight and expertise on the Services’ requirements and helps Google Cloud develop business relationships with key decision-makers. With TRG’s assistance, Google Cloud was successful in securing a contract with the National Guard for cyber security talent management.

Enterprise Decision Management Platform
The most important information often exists in silos, making it difficult to aggregate and use. CORAS developed an Enterprise Decision Management Platform that allows large organizations to transform management processes for the digital age using Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence. TRG has been instrumental in having the CORAS Nodes platform adopted within the Navy and Air Force.