Matthew Herrmann

Budget & Appropriations
Transportation & Infrastructure
Military Installations & Communities
Homeland Security
Aerospace & Defense
Matthew Herrmann is a senior advisor at The Roosevelt Group representing a wide range of clients on Congressional appropriations and authorization matters, federal budget process, strategic planning, strategic communications, Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC), and Indo-Asia-Pacific policy matters. Prior to joining the Roosevelt Group, in June 2017, Mr. Herrmann worked for more than 10 years on Capitol Hill and served as Chief of Staff to Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo (Guam), the Ranking Member of the Readiness Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee. He held a variety of legislative roles in Congresswoman Bordallo’s office; as a military legislative assistant, senior legislative assistant, and finally as legislative director.
As Chief of Staff, Mr. Herrmann became intimately familiar with the House Armed Services Committee and its annual defense authorization bill. He has developed comprehensive legislative strategies for a variety of important initiatives and secured millions in federal funding. Furthermore, Matt has an extensive background in policy issues impacting the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. Mr. Herrmann holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, with a Minor in Computer Information Systems (magna cum laude) and a Master of Public Administration – both from American University. He also serves as an adjunct faculty member at American University teaching a course he developed titled “Politics & Policy in the Electronic Age”. The course gives students a unique, ‘real world’ look at how technology is impacting the entire American political system; from Congress, to Interest Groups, to Executive branch agencies.