Ricky Williamson
Senior Advisor

Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (N4), (VADM)
USN | Washington, D.C. | 2019 – 2023
Team Optimization. Led a complex, corporate level restructuring of the Fleet Readiness & Logistics directorate, consisting of 175 personnel and 6 divisions, consolidated to 3 divisions aligned with USN strategic goals.
Strategic Planning. Established the strategic direction of the Navy’s logistical enterprise through two guiding documents. The Naval Logistics Strategy and the Global Strategy Ashore set the Navy’s five vector model and aligned logistics to shore-based operations.
Return on Investment. Generated multi-million dollar savings through application of Digital Twins. Implemented project management techniques that improved cost, schedule, and scope estimates for all Military Construction (MILCON) projects and emphasized building technologies such as Tension Fabric, Modular, and 3D printing in the Analysis of Alternatives to conserve resources and decrease time to occupancy.
Transformation and Innovation. Replicated future base planning and design through digital transformation, taking archaic models of planning, construction, and demolition into the cutting edge of industry capitalization.
Contested Logistics. Developed capstone Navy Contested Logistics War game (NCLWG) series focused on data-driven and interactive games with objectives to simulate and integrate joint forces, allies and partners to overcome future logistical challenges.
Coalition Building. Generated agreements with the navies of the United Kingdom (UK), Australia, and Japan though personal leadership and engagement leading to participation in logistics war games.
Region Commander MW | SE | MA | EUR/AF/CENT, (RADM)
USN | Washington, D.C. | 2012 – 2019