Jakob Johnsen
Senior Advisor

Jakob Johnsen is a Senior Advisor at The Roosevelt Group representing a wide range of clients on Congressional appropriations and authorization matters, federal budget process, strategic planning, strategic communications, and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC). Prior to joining the Roosevelt Group in December 2024, Mr. Johnsen worked for more than 10 years in State and Federal Government, and served as Chief of Staff to Congressman Hal Rogers (Kentucky), the Dean of the House, former Full Committee Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, and Chairman/Ranking Member of numerous other subcommittees. Prior to being Chief of Staff, he served as Congressman Rogers’ Legislative Director and Defense Policy Advisor, personally handling the Congressman’s work on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. Originally hailing from Alaska, Jakob also worked for Alaska Congressman Don Young and in Alaska State Government.
As Chief of Staff, Mr. Johnsen became intimately familiar with the House Appropriations Committee and the federal appropriations process. He developed comprehensive legislative strategies for a variety of important initiatives and secured billions in federal funding for Congressman Rogers’ priorities. He has also secured legislative victories working with House Leadership and numerous other Committees, including Armed Services, Transportation & Infrastructure, Natural Resources, Energy & Commerce, Veterans Affairs, and more.
Mr. Johnsen holds a Masters of Business Administration from the NYU Stern Business School and a Bachelors of Science in Political Science, with a Minor in Systems Engineering, from the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. Prior to his government service, Jakob served as an Infantry Officer in the United States Army, and participated in deployments to Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom/New Dawn), and the Republic of Korea (Operation Foal Eagle).